Alicia Tatum

Mrs. Alicia Tatum has been named the 2023 De Queen Elementary Teacher of the Year.
Mrs. Tatum joined our Leopard family as a first-grade teacher at De Queen Primary. In the
following years, she received a Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis on
English as a Second Language and taught ESL.
Mrs. Tatum is currently teaching third grade at De
Queen Elementary and enjoys her fellow third-grade
teachers who she counts as family, and the excellent
De Queen Elementary team as a whole.“I love being
part of the De Queen Elementary family where I can
do what I love every day!” Tatum said. She stated that
her favorite part of teaching is her students—their
personalities, energy, and differences.
After growing up in Magnolia, Arkansas, Mrs.
Tatum graduated from Southern Arkansas University
with a degree in Elementary Education. Alicia married
Bobby Tatum in 1990 and taught first grade for two
years before staying home to raise her children, Austin
and Bethany.